If someone had told us six months ago that the world would be in the state it is in today we would have all laughed out loud (no abbreviations necessary for this post!) and told them they’re dreamin. Businesses closing, people in self quarantine, borders shut and people going a lil nuts at the supermarket for toilet paper. Forget about the mid year European holidays and Bali trips this year, everyone’s stuck at home, only advised to venture out for the absolute essentials. What is this craziness?!!!
For me, things have changed significantly. Losing my bread and butter job with a brand I loved was quite honestly heartbreaking. To find out that our lil business would be no longer and then having to share that news with my team of incredible women, well lets just say it was one of the most difficult days in my working career. The reality of being unemployed is daunting in itself but I think for me, the most upsetting thing about it all was the realisation that I would not be able to lead and connect with these amazing individuals each and every day.
It’s safe to say that we find ourselves in unprecedented times and what was once considered “normal routine” has forever changed, well at least for the for-seeable future. No more morning gym sessions, weekend brunches or wine dates with friends or the Monday to Friday work grind for most. We are being forced to stop, to slow down and to refocus as our time and our energy shifts into new areas.
What to do?
For me, instead of going into complete panic mode, I have decided to stop, to breathe and to utilise this time to turn my attention inwards. How do I want to spend my time? What brings me most fulfilment? Where have I been wasting my energy? Where have I not been focusing my energy enough? What and who am I most grateful for? And, the big one is, who do I want to be in this world? It is a time for self love, for self discovery and a time where I can explore parts of myself that perhaps have been long forgotten.
This is all happening for a reason and it’s completely out of our control. So whilst we give Mother Nature a well deserved break what can we do to make use of the abundance of time we have at our finger tips and avoid going into a spiral of darkness and despair? Whilst the couch and Netflix sounds amazing, (yes I am guilty of smashing through the entire 4 seasons of Money Heist in roughly two weeks) there are many other ways you can spend your “ISO” time that will not only feed your mind, but nourish your soul too.
If you don’t already, writing a journal can be extremely therapeutic and calming for the mind and soul. We have millions of thoughts going through our minds on the daily and I find that putting them down on paper allows them to get out of my head and sets them free into the Universe, creating space for other energy. I also have a gratitude journal that I write in daily, where I make a list of the things that I am grateful for from the previous day. It could be simple things like, “my morning coffee”, “the sunshine”, “playing with my dog”, but the point is that there are a heap of things in our lives that we can find gratitude in and it’s really about focusing our energy on those things, rather than the things that aren’t working.
You will find that “where your focus goes, energy flows” (thanks Tony Robbins) so when you are consistently thinking from a place of gratitude, more positivity will show up in your life. You can also use this journal to set intentions and goals, which helps with manifesting and meditating (see next point).
Meditating is one of the greatest things you can do for your mental well being in my opinion. It’s a great exercise to do to not only help clear your mind but is also a great tool for manifesting and visualisation. I personally prefer guided meditation as I find having someone lead me through the practice helps prevent my mind from wandering and getting distracted with thoughts of “to-do lists” or what outfit I’m gonna wear for the day!
I find the best time for meditating is first thing in the morning when I wake up and before I go to bed at night. If you can allow 5 or 10 minutes for yourself every morning, to sit in silence and calm the mind, I truly believe you will discover life changing benefits. Not only will it set you up for the day but it will allow you to tap into some high vibrational feelings that will help attract more happiness into your life. I’ve recently discovered the app Insight Timer which is fab as it gives you access to lots of guided meditations without having to subscribe or pay a fee.
What better time to channel your inner Jamie Oliver than during self isolation! I don’t know about you but I find it quite therapeutic to spend an afternoon in my kitchen, tunes on, perhaps even a glass of wine nearby, creating a culinery masterpiece worthy of a MasterChef challenge (ok the last bit might be exaggerating). With busy workdays and weekends full of errands and girlfriend catchups, I could never find the time to pull out one of my many cookbooks that adorn my bookshelves to create something new for dinner.
Now there are no excuses and I have found myself exploring the many resources available (cooking blogs, YouTube videos, chef websites) to provide some inspiration in the kitchen! Jamie Oliver’s website is one of my faves as there are so many recipes and ideas on there that you literally don’t need to even have one of his books. His “Best Roast Leg of Lamb” has proven to be a winner, for its simplicity and tastiness factor, pair it with some roast pumpkin and potatoes and you’re set for a hearty comfort meal on one of these chiller nights. Cooking might not be a self love ritual for the mind but trust me, your belly will love you for it!
I do have a few more go to practices that keep my mind, body and soul feeling uplifted and in check during this challenging time and I’ll share those with you in days to come. Until then, I’d love to find out what some of your self love rituals are so please feel free to share below!
Much love
Stacey xx